Jared's techno blog

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

My new Technoblog over at typepad

Now that I've completed my migration to a new blogging service which I believe better suits my needs and taste, I will be no longer posting to my technoblog at blogger.com. You will need to update your bookmarks or RSS aggregator program.

My new blog is now at:

or you can subscribe to the RSS feed of my new blog at:

Using Blogger for one year was a good learning experience for a new blogger like myself but now I'm ready to move on to a more professional blogging service. With the features on my new blog I really like being able to categorize my posts and I should be adding a search engine link soon.

I won't remove the blogger blog anytime soon and leave it up for future reference.

Be seeing you all over at typepad.com!


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