Jared's techno blog

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

FreeBSD > How to customized Home, Del, Insert keys for BASH shell?

By default when you use FreeBSD's BASH shell and you hit Home, Del, Insert keys all of them just prints ~. Here is the way to get rid of this problem:

1) Open bash global profile file:
vi /etc/profile

2) Add following line to it:
export INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc

3) Save file

4) Open file /etc/inputrc and define key binding:
vi /etc/inputrc Here is my FreeBSD inputrc file.

5) Add key binding to it:
set meta-flag on
set input-meta on
set convert-meta off
set output-meta on

'\e[1~': beginning-of-line
'\e[4~': end-of-line
'\e[5~': beginning-of-history
'\e[6~': end-of-history
'\e[3~': delete-char
'\e[2~': quoted-insert
'\e[5C': forward-word
'\e[5D': backward-word

6) Save file

7) Test it by login into FreeBSD box"


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